Saturday, 25 June 2016

Who Said Shrimath Bhagavath Gita - ஸ்ரீமத் பகவத் கீதை கூறியது யார்? (Tam...

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Who Said Shrimath Bhagavath Gita - ஸ்ரீமத் பகவத் கீதை கூறியது யார்? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

As per Bhakthi and Mahabharatha Shri math Bhagavath Gita was told by Shri Krishna to Arjuna

Hold on

Considering this as truth let us proceed , I shall reveal what Raja Yoga has to say about this later.

As per Mahabharatha Story Maha bharatha war took place at the end of Dwabara Yuaga. The war was fought between Pandavas under Shri Krishna and Kauravas under Bhisma, Dhrona, Karnan. The was fought for 18 days and the war took place at Guru Kshethra.

Arjuna in the field when he saw that he need to fight his own grand fathers, Guru and cousins he was not mentally prepared for a war, it was then Shri Krishna told Arjuna Shri Math Bhagavath Gita.

The following question arises for an ordinary listener.

1. How come Shri Krishna teach Bhagavath Gita in a war field. How come kauravas allow him to take classes in the war field.

2. How many days did Shri Krishna to finish the chapter

3. There are 18 chapters and 20 slokas in each of them, so to explain and also to clarify the doubts of Arjuna how many days it required.

4. Why Shri Krishna teaches only to Arjuna , when this is a Global Knowledge.

5. Inspite of giving Arjuna the whole teachings of Bhagavath Gita Why Arjuna still not prepared for a war? He started fighting only after he saw the Viswaroopam of Vishnu.

6. How come who were there in the battle field did not get enlightenment as Arjuna did.

7. Does God preach to fight and kill his own brothers and sisters

8. What happens after the war , the kauravas where killed later the 5 pandavas went on pada yatra, one after the other died only Yudhistra was alive along with a dog. Suddenly a Chariot came and took Yudishtra to heaven. So know one is left in the world. that means human existence on earth has vanished.

9. If every one is dead , how come we are here in this earth.

10 . After Dwabara Yug Kali Yug comes , how come a bad yug comes when God himself teaches Bhagavath Gita.

So when upon reading the above lines we have many questions seeing for answers.

Now lets see what Raja Yoga has to say.

This world is 5000 years old drama and is called a kalpa. A kalpa is divided in to 2 halves. 2500 years happiness and 2500 years sorrow. First 2500 years is called heaven on Earth and next 2500 years is hell on Earth. The kalpa is divided into 4 yugas names sathyug, thretha yug, Dwabara Yug and kali yug.

The kalpa starts with satha yug with 9 lakh people in it. in sathya yug we take 8 births, in Thretha yug we take 12 births and in Dwabara Yug we take 21 births and in kali yug we take 42 births so at the end of the kali yug say in 1936 Lord Shiva comes in to the body of Lekha Raj a diamond merchant and tells the whole story of the world. We need 33 crore people in sathya yug and thretha yug put together. So those people get ready through Raja Yoga taught by God himself.

So God teaches us to fight maya or 5 vihars we have in us through the mantra manmanabhava (remembering God by understanding ourself as athma). When we 33 crore people are ready we will have a thought we need a better place to live only then World War 3 erupts. It is between Russia and America.

So in the Mahabharatha Story it is said the war was between Pandavas and Kauravas actual world war 3 is called Maha Bharatha it is fought by Kauravas (America and its allies) and Yadhavas ( Russia and its allies).

So by the world war III 99.99% of the world population will die and the only 10 - 20 lakh people will be left over

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