Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Understanding God - கடவுளை அறிதல் (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link https://goo.gl/p1AAM2

Who is GOD? , Where is HE? What is HE doing now? What is his Color? What is his shape? How can we meet him?

This is the constant search of human Being?

We understood that we are Souls and not the body itself. So the father of all souls is called Param Athma or the Supreme Soul.

What is Shape or Size?

God the Almighty is also a Soul that cannot be viewed by our naked eye. He is Jyothi Swaroop (a point of light). A small twinkling star. The size of HIS Soul is typically the same size of our Athma. The only difference is that Param Athma does not take birth like we do? He does not come in mother's womb. He is never born, He does not come in to the birth and death cycle as we do.

What is HIS name?

He is called SHIVA. Shiva means point or dot. People call him in various names like GOD, Param Athma ,Supreme Soul, Jehova, Allah and many other names like that. He himself proclaims that he has got more than 1,50,000 different names.

Where does he reside?

He residence in Shanthi Dham or Nirvan Dham or Brahma Log.  HE resides always there and come to the world once in a kalpa during the Sangama Yuga for about 100 years.

What are his Qualities?

HE is the Ocean of Wisdom,Ocean of Love, Ocean of Kindness, Supreme Father of all Souls.

Can we see him?

The answer is Yes and No.

Yes because people who have Dhivya Dhristi can see GOD and other Souls. It is believed Swami Vivekananda has seen the Soul of his Guru Ramakrishna Paramahamsa when he left the body.

No because the size of the soul is so tiny that we cannot see through our naked eyes.

Can we communicate with him?

YES we can. It is possible through Raja Yoga Meditation. In Prayer we talk to God but in Meditation it is a two way communication. for that we have to learn Raja Yoga Meditation.

What is he doing now?

HE is actually waiting for helping the souls who are in need of help.

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