Tuesday 14 June 2016

Sanadhana Dharma - சனாதன தர்மம் என்றால் என்ன? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link https://goo.gl/p1AAM2

Sanadhana Dharma is founded by Lord Shiva in every Kalpa at the end of Kaliyug ie in Sangama Yug.

Actually Sanadhana Dharma is practised by 33 crore Deities (People who have Godly qualities) who come in Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug.

During Sathya Yug & Thretha Yug Deities lived happily so there was no temple or Holy book for them.

What God teaches in Sangama Yug is called Shri Math

Kindly Watch the video for more info.

Note :- There is some sound disturbances in the Recording. My Sincere apologies.

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