Tuesday 14 June 2016

Sadho, Rajo, Thamo -சதோ , ரஜோ , தமோ (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link https://goo.gl/p1AAM2

Sathopradhan, Rajopradhan & Thamopradhan are the quality of the soul.

The soul is in the Sathopradhan stage in sathya yug and threha yug. It will have kalas between 12 to 16 .The athma lives in soul conscious stage.

The soul is said to be in Rajopradhan during Dwabar Yug. where it will have kalas between 10 to 8. The athma lives in body conscious stage.

The soul is said to be in Thamopradhan during kaliyug. Where it will have less than 8 kalas in the beginning and reduces drastically at the end of the yuga. The athma lives in body conscious.

Each every soul in the world drama will have to under go this 3 stages.

A soul can take minimum of 1 birth and maximum of 84 births.

Every soul when it comes to the world for the first time it is in the sathopradhan stage, inspite of what yuga it is born, only after subsequent birth the athma goes to rajopradhan and thamopradhan stages.

 There is no excuse or choice for any athma, stating that i will act only the sathopradhan stage.

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