Tuesday 14 June 2016

Kali Yug - கலி யுகம் (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link https://goo.gl/p1AAM2

Salient feature of Kali Yug (iron Age):-

This Yuga is also for 1250 Years
People here have less than 8  kalas and later part very very low kalas
The total number of births is 42
People become totally body conscious. every one is a slave of lust,Anger,Greed, bandhanam (family) and Pride.
This yug is called hell on Earth
Too many dharma's like sikhism, jainism and many others will be established by its Gurus during Kali Yug.
The population reaches 750+ crore at the last of Kaliyug.
The world population dies due to the World war 3 between the Super Powers and also due the natural calamities and also due to people infight.

Only 99.99 % of the people will die ,say 10 to 20 lakh people will still be alive at Delhi, they will responsible for building Sathya Yug

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