Tuesday 14 June 2016

Athmas Kala - ஆத்மாவின் கலைகள் (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link https://goo.gl/p1AAM2

What is 16 Kala?
It is the degree of the purification of the soul.kalas are the quality of the soul.

who ever wins the 5 vihars namely lust, anger, greed, family bondage & pride 100%  is said to have reached 16 kalas

In Sathya Yug :-

The souls in the beginning of Sathya yug will have 16 kalas
In the middle of Sathya yug the soul will have 15 kalas
The souls will be in soul consciuos stage through out its birth
Only 9 lakh people of 700 crore population attain 16 kalas
Only 3 crore people live at the end of Sathya yug
Every action performed here becomes akarmam (does not attract puniya or Pava)

In Thretha Yug

The souls in thretha yug will have 14 kalas in the beginning
The souls after the middle of Thretha yug will have only 13 kalas
The souls will be in soul consciuos stage through out its birth
Only 3 crore people will be at the beginning of thretha yug
Only 33 crore people live at the end of thretha yug
Every action performed here becomes akarmam (does not attract puniya or Pava)

In Dwabarayug

The souls in the Dwabrayug will have 12 and less than 12 kalas
The souls will become body consciuos in Dwabara yuga
Every action performed here becomes vikarmam (attracts puniya or Pava)

In Kaliyug

The souls in the Kaliyug will have 8 kalas and later very very low kalas
The souls will become body conscious in Kaliyug yuga
Every action performed here becomes vikarmam (attracts puniya or Pava)

Practising Raja Yoga we get the following characters
1.Art of Winning Friends
2.Art of Keeping Other Happy
3.Art of Reforming
4.Art of Refreshment
5.Art of Economic Development
6.Art of Be Happy and Contended
7.Art of Keeping others Happy
8.Art of Organising
9.Art of Leadership
10.Art of Administration
11.Art of Learning and Teaching
12.Art of Enjoying work and Pleasure
13.Art of Speech & Letter Writing
14.Art of Good Thinking and Creativity
15.Art of Social Service and Spiritual Welfare
16.Art of Concealing and Revealing

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