Wednesday 22 June 2016

Shiva Jeyanthi Celebrations - சிவ ஜெயந்தி கொண்டாட்டங்கள் (Tamil Video) Raja Yoga Series

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The whole world is celebrating Shiva Rathiri, No body celebrates Shiva Jeyanthi as Lord Shiva does not come in Birth Death Cycle.

But, Brahma Kumaris is the only Organization that celebrates Shiva Jeyanthi.

It is because they are aware that in every Kalpa Lord Shiva descends on the earth through Lekh Raj body and then teaches Raja Yoga.

So God came in 1936 , now we are in 2016. So it is 80 years now. So Brahma Kumaris celebrates 80th Shiva Jeyanthi to commemorate his arrival for the 80th year in this kalpa.

Kindly watch the video to understand better.

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