Tuesday 28 June 2016

How Birth Happens in Sathya Yug & Thretha Yug - சத்ய, த்ரேதா யுகத்தில் பிறப்பு எப்படி ஏற்படுகிறது?

Raja Yoga classes in Tamil Play List https://goo.gl/p1AAM2

How Birth Happens in Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug - சத்ய யுகத்திலும் , த்ரேதா யுகத்திலும் பிறப்பு எப்படி ஏற்படுகிறது?-  (Tamil Video) -   Raja Yoga Series

Our Drama is designed for 5000 years and is called Kalpa. In the beginning of Sathya Yug there will be 9 Lakh people at the end of the Kali yug the whole human kind will be on earth (Say 800 crore) people.

When God descends on Earth in 1936 he teaches Raja Yoga in which he tells every one to win over 5 vices namely (lust, anger, pride,Family bonding and greed).

The very first is lust or sex , if we stop sex how come the future generation will come? . This is the basic question that arises in every one. We will have to understand that God gives this knowledge at the end of Kaliyug. Only 33 crore people will take up this Knowledge. People who learn Raja Yoga they come to the system either married and have children already like me. Or they learn the marriage and practice celibacy (Brahmachariya). Few get married even after getting this knowledge. It is recorded in the drama it happens. So the rest of the population comes from people who do not follow this.

Why God says to avoid sex and that too it is listed first in 5 Vihars. It is because in Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug people did NOT have children through lust or sex. It is only through their yoga power they had children. When the Athma has 12 to 16 kalas. It has the strength to give birth to child through yogic powers. In Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug once a couple gets married after one or 2 year they feel like having a kid, then due to their Athma Power , the lady get pregnant and  gets the child. The beauty is that a child that is born does not cry as it does now.

People reading this post or listening to the video might feel disturbed and might not accept this theory. But this how the drama is designed. God teaches Raja Yoga so that we get power to the soul.

If you have heard about Mahabharatha Stories. Karna was born to Sun, Arjuna from Indran. Even though it is a story there are references to tell children are born through powers. Again I will make it clear Mahabharatha is a story no is born to sun and other Pancha Boothas.

Do you know why lust and anger is in the first 2 numbers in the 5 vices God listed. Lust and Anger has cascading effects it affects not only the person who does it but also the other person concerned, Greed, Family bonding & Pride do not have Cascading effect.

Hope you understood how children are born in Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug.

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