Wednesday 22 June 2016

Shiva Rathiri Celebrations Explanation - சிவ ராத்திரி வழிப்பாடு விளக்கங்கள் - (Tamil Video)

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Shiva Rathiri Celebrations Explanation - சிவ ராத்திரி வழிப்பாடு விளக்கங்கள் - (Tamil Video) -   Raja Yoga Series

In Bhakthi Shiva Rathiri is a Hindu Festival where men and women keep themselves awake during the bnight performing bhajan and Pooja.

Rathiri means night, why it is called rathiri and why not day.

We do not call Shiva Rathiri as Shiva Jeyanthi or Shiva Navami because Lord Shiva does not come in Birth Death Cycle.

Lord Shiva comes at the end of Kali Yug. in 1936 got gets in the body of Lekh Raj, a Diamond Merchant and teaches Raja Yoga, He teaches who we are , who he is , the yesterday today and tomorrow. Thus we know what is the meaning of Shiva Rathiri.

Here rathiri (night) does not mean the morning and night of a day. It means comes in Kali yug the iron age, It means the innocence or the ignorance of the truth. God comes to uplift us from the trouble of Ravana or Maya.

Like every kalpa God comes in the end of the yug, so in last Kalpa also he came so as a matter or respect and love we celebrate Shiva Rathiri from Dwabara Yug since Raja Vikramaditya built Somnath temple at Gujarat, India.

This is the story of Shiva Rathiri Celebrations.

Kindly Watch the Video to understand better.

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