Tuesday 14 June 2016

Law of Karma - கர்ம விதி (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link https://goo.gl/p1AAM2

As a human being we must know karma philosophy.

What is karma?

Karma is action or duty. No body can live with out doing anything. There are 2 things that can happen when you do a karma or action.

1. Akarmam
2. Vikarmam

In Sathya Yug & Thretha Yug every action you do , It becomes akarmam.

Akarmam means the sanskar in the soul does not attract pava (sin or bad deeds) or puniya (good deeds) in its soul. Sanskar is the place where your good or bad deeds get recorded in the soul. The Athmas in sathya yug and thretha yug are too good and they are very rich , so no one will be in need of help and no one will have the attitude to do wrong to others. So when a soul is in Sathya yug or thretha yug the athma does not commit any sin.

Vikarmam means the sanskar in the soul does attract pava or puniya in its soul.The Athmas in Dwabara yug and Kali yug are too bad, they have to do good to get puniya, and when they do bad pava is recorded in their sanskar.

In today's world we often here people saying that I have been doing good to all , but I am only getting bad things in life, It is because in kaliyug all our karma's becomes Vikarma.

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