Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Generator Operator Destructor - படைத்தல், காத்தல், அழித்தல் - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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Lord Shiva does Generate Operate and Destruct through Brahma , Vishnu Shankar.

Brahma :- Lekh Raj, a Diamond Merchant, It is in his body God descends and teaches Raja Yoga. 33 Crore people required for Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug are created by Him through Lekh Raj. God names him Brahma. So creation or Generation happens throuh Brahma

Vishnu:- The combined form of Lakshmi Narayana is called Vishnu, we will have 8 Lakshmi Narayana's in Sathya Yug. SO Operation or palanai(Tamil word) is done by Shiva through Vishnu

Shankar:- In this Sangma Yug who ever attains Karma theeth they become faristha or Angels. They are called Shankar and they reside in Sootchma Vadana. Their role is to the sould who are part of the 33 crore bring them under one roof inspire them to practice Raja Yoga. So Once 33 Crore is ready they all will have a powerful thought that they don't need this kali yug any more. Then the third world war will erupt between Russia and America thus 99.99% people will die, LOrd Shiva descends on the earth and takes all the Athmas back home this is called Judgment. This is why we say Vinash or Destruction through Shankar.

So It is Brahma who becomes Vishnu, Who ever becomes Karma Theeth they become SHankar. So Brahma is a human being , Vishnu is a Devatha (Man with Godly Qualities)and Shankar is a Faritha or Angel.

So it is Lord Shiva who does the Generation, Operation and Destruction.

The interesting fact is that the order Generation, Operation and Destruction is wrong , it is Generation,Destruction and Operation.

Because the creation of Sanadhana Dharma happens first, The vinash or the destruction happens second after that Sathya yug comes so operation happens.

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