Thursday, 21 July 2016

Pancha Boothas - பஞ்ச பூதங்கள் - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series #82

Pancha Boothas

Fire, Water, Air,land and Ether are the five elements of Pancha Boothas.

Now in Kali Yug they are at their peak. This slow down or will become calm only after the World War 3 and the Judegment Day.

Today We have 4 season Summer, winter,Autumn and Spring. Where as in Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug we will have only Vasantha kalam. All the 12 months in a year it will be so warm.

Kindly watch the video to understand better.


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Pancha Boothas - பஞ்ச பூதங்கள் - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series #82

Pancha Boothas

Fire, Water, Air,land and Ether are the five elements of Pancha Boothas.

Now in Kali Yug they are at their peak. This slow down or will become calm only after the World War 3 and the Judegment Day.

Today We have 4 season Summer, winter,Autumn and Spring. Where as in Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug we will have only Vasantha kalam. All the 12 months in a year it will be so warm.

Kindly watch the video to understand better.


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Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Yugam Dasas - யுகம் தசாக்கள் - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series #81

This 5000 year drama is called a Kalpa

This Kalpa is divided equally in 2 halves 2500 years happiness and 2500 years sorrow.

Each yugas has its own Dasas namely

Sathya Yug - Guru Dasa

Thretha Yug - Sukira Dasa

Dwabara Yug - Sani Dasa

Kali Yug - Raghu Dasa

Sangama Yug - Guru Dasa

Raghu dasa is more vulnerable than Sani Dasa.

Kindly watch this video to understand Yugam Dasas better.


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Monday, 18 July 2016

Prakashmani Dadi - பிரகாஷ்மணி தாதி - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series #79

Rajyogini Brahma Kumari Dadi Dr. Prakashmani

Born in Hyderabad, Sind (now in Pakistan), Dadi Prakashmani’s childhood name was Rama.

In 1937, when the Brahma Kumaris organisation was being established as a small trust in Sind under the name ‘Om Mandali’, 14 year old kumari Rama decided to join it and dedicate her life to the spiritual upliftment of humanity. Chosen as one of its original eight trustees, she was given the spiritual name ‘Prakashmani’ (‘Jewel of Light’). Her extraordinary talents, vision, values and qualities of leadership enabled her to take up the challenges of starting spiritual service centres in Mumbai and Maharastra and become the organisation’s Chief Coordinator of Maharastra, Gujrat & Karnataka zones in the 1950s and 1960s.

In 1954, Dadi led a delegation to the Second World Religious Congress in Japan. She then embarked on a six month tour of Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, delivering spiritual talks and lectures and promoting Raja Yoga meditation, to help people restore inner peace, power, harmony and happiness in their lives. After the organisation’s founding father, Brahma Baba, died in 1969, she became its Administrative Head, endearingly called ‘Dadiji’.With her generosity of spirit and unlimited vision, she was able to guide the Brahma Kumaris through their huge growth since that time.

Since 1969, Dadiji chaired and addressed countless national seminars and meetings in India, as well as international conferences in over hundred countries. In 1985, she organised the All India Bharat Unity Youth Padyatras and Rallies and in 1989 the All India Holistic Health Awareness Campaigns. She served as President of the annual Universal Peace Conferences at Mount Abu from 1983 to 1993. It was under Dadiji’s dynamic leadership in the 1980s, that the Brahma Kumaris was designated an NGO in the United Nations Department of Public Information, with consultative status with the UN’s Economic & Social Council and with UNICEF. In 1986, designated UN International Year of Peace, she launched the Million Minutes of Peace Appeal project in over 88 countries and presented a collection of one billion minutes of positive, peaceful and prayerful thoughts to UN Secretary General during the UN’s 40thAnniversary. In 1988, she became the President of an International Peace Messenger Initiative entitled Global Cooperation for a Better World - a project dedicated to the UN and
implemented in over 129 countries. Inspiring thousands of community activities at local levels, it was based on individual and collective ideas for a better world.

Dressed in plain white cotton, Dadiji epitomised simplicity, while at the same time radiating the authority of a woman administering a global organisation with over 8,500 service centres in India and 129 other countries. Dadiji described herself as an instrument who loves to serve human beings by reminding them of their innate goodness – and that it is through the awakening of this goodness that we can collectively transform our world. Dadiji remained a
spiritual ambassador whose wisdom has always echoed her own experience.

At 10:05am local time on 25th August 2007, the soul of Dadi Prakashmani passed away at the organisation’s Shantivan complex on Abu Road in Rajasthan, India. She was in her mid-80s.

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Saturday, 16 July 2016

Garbha Palace Vs Garbha Jail - கர்ப மாளிகை மற்றும் கர்ப சிறை (Tamil)- ...

Garbha Palace Vs Garbha Jail

We all know that we act in 5000 year drama, we come in to the world through the mothers womb.

During Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug we will be in Athma stage and our Karma is Akarma that means we do not perform Pava or Punniya so when we are in the mothers's womb it will be like Garbha maligai. Maligai means palace. The Athma enjoys every moment that it is in there.

Where as in Dwabara Yug and Kali Yug we will be in Body conscious and our Karma will be Vikarma that means for every action of ours we will have Pava and Punniya attached to karma. So as we do sins in Dwabara Yug and Kali Yug we feel like hell in the mothers womb. It will be like jail as we will feel as if it is a dark room. We will plead to the Lord saying that if i were given a birth I will do the right things. but once born we will forget all our promises and act as it is recorded in our sanskar.

This is the meaning of Garbha Palace and Garbha Jail.


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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Pillars of Raja Yoga Tamil Video Raja Yoga Series #75

Pillars of Raja Yoga.

Lord Shiva has been teaching Raja Yoga for the past 80 years. We need 33 crore people in the system. about 90% of the people have come.

So obviuously people will have a doubt will I get a big title in Sathya Yug or Thretha Yug. The answer is YES. If you do the following from today till your

end of your life. You will definetely come even in 9 lakh people who act from the day one.

What are we supposed to do?

1. Amirtha Vela

2. Attend Daily Raja Yoga Classes

3. Follow Shrimath (God's Direction)

4. Do Service to Man Kind.

Amirtha Vela :-

Best time to connect God is Amirtha Vela. The Amirtha Vela time is 4.00 am to 4.45 am. Even one can start doing Raja Yoga from 2.30 am onwards, It is up to the individual. God says people do Bhakthi come temples, Churches, Mosques, Guruduwaras around 6 onwards, so there will millions of people who are connecting at that time. He says that we are very special so he wants us connect him through Manmana Bhava (Understanding that we are Athma and remembering the Almighty , Lord Shiva is called Manmana Bhava) and burn our sins that are recorded over various births. God promises to visit every one individually at their residence.

Attend Daily Raja Yoga Classes :-

       Lord Shiva descends on Lekh Raj, A Diamond Merchant through him He taught us Raja Yoga. From 1936 to 1969 He taught us this wonderful knowledge through the body of Lekh Raj who is termed as Brahma by Lord Shiva. Later from 1969 till date He teaches this knowledge through the body of Dadi Gulzhar.

This is the knowledge that transforms Man from Sutra to Devathas. One has to listen to this classes daily.

Follow Shrimath:-

Shri means elevated Math means way. God's way is the way to get elevated. We need to sincerely follow each and every Shrimath God gives.

Do Service to Man Kind :-

We are blessed souls to get educated by Lord Himself. We should take the initiative to give the wonderful knowledge to all brothers and sisters across the Globe, there be we will be blessed with happiness for the next 21 births or 2500 years.


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Saturday, 9 July 2016

Is Ganga Petheetha Pavani? - கங்கை பதீத்த பாவனியா?- (Tamil) - Raja Yoga...

Is Ganga Patheetha Pavani?

Let us first make this terms familiar

Ganga is a sacred river that is following in Himalayas

Patheeth means with NO PURITY. Here we address about the purity of the soul and not the body.

Pavana means PURITY, again we are talking about the Purity of the soul and not the body.

As per Hindu Mythology , Lord Shiva has River Ganga in his head. It is believed this river flows from heaven and the river is called Mandakini there and as Ganga in the land. We do not speak other rivers because God has Ganga in his head. It is believed if some one takes a dip in Ganga their sins that they have done across various births get burnt.But this is just a Myth and no truth is behind it.

Lets first see that how a river is formed, We know that is this world is formed by 3/4'th water and 1/4'th land. The water in the ocean gets evaportaed due to sunlight, this water vapour gets stored in the clouds when it gets condensed rain falls. When the rain falls in a particular region and flows on the land we name it as river. In different parts of the world river is named differently. We have Ganga, Brahma Putra, Ravi,Sutlej, Yamuna and in South we have

Cauvery , Krishna Across the globe we have Thames river, Yellow river and many like that. If some one's sins will be burnt by bathing in Ganga, we not take much pain to go there , instead we can get drenched when it is raining.

So it is wrong to say that Ganga is Patheetha Pavani.

This world drama is a 5000 year drama called Kalpa which is divided in to 4 yugas namely Sathya Yug, Thretha Yug, Dwabara Yug and Kali Yug. In the start of the Sathya Yug there will be 9 lakh people. 33 crore people will live at the end of Thretha Yug, They are called Devathas because they posses Godly Qualities. At the end of Kali Yug the whole Athmas in Shantidham will come down to act in the worldly Drama. In 1936 Lord Shiva descends on Earth in the body Shri Lekhraj, A Diamond Merchant and teaches this Raja Yoga. He teaches us who we are? He introduces himself and explains the Drama plan, and also gives the mantra Manmana Bhava (Understanding ourself as Athma and then remembering Param Athma the God is Manmana Bhava). by doing this practice we burn sins that are accumulated over various births.Through this mantra 33 crore people get ready to go to Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug.

That is Why we call Lord Shiva as Patheetha Pavani. The Purifier of the Impure Souls. He transforms a Sutra in to Brahmin, then in to Faristha and then in to Devatha.No men on Earth has this power of Lord Shiva in purifying the souls.

So the conclusion is that River Ganga is not Patheetha Pavani , it is Lord Shiva.


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Friday, 8 July 2016

What is Nir Leb? - நிர்லேப் என்றால் என்ன? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Seri...

The Sadhu Sanyasis also told that the Good or Bad Karma that we do, do not attach in our Athma . They call this called Nir Leb. They say this because a rich person goes in an A/C Car so his body is body is enjoying the pleasure, A person who is suffering is suffering through his body through diseases. So they feel good or bad is experienced by the body and it is not recorded in the Athma. They believe Chitra Gupta is recording one's good are bad deeds.

We cannot complain Sadhus or Sanyasis the Drama is designed that way. What ever they told is their findings. All findings need not be true.

God says every birth an Athma takes depends upon the karma recorded in its sanskar. So that is why we have mind, body and soul as the faculties of the Athma. If Sadhus said was true God should have designed the Athma only with Mind & Intellect.

So the truth is as claimed by sadhus Nirleb is wrong. The karma is recorded that is the universal truth.

Let us also take Sim Card of the mobile and compare with that of Athma.

Sim is a small plastic chip it comes in to use only when it is put mobile phone only then we can have incoming or out going calls. Like wise by itself cannot do anything, Only when it gets in to body it can perform karma.

When you put a sim inside the mobile phone ,it searches for its mobile tower. Like wise when and Athma enters the body it search its father Param Athma or the Supreme Soul. We have been searching the lord for past 63 births (21 in Dwabara Yug and 42 in Kali Yug).

Let us see another example if the sim is NOT activated and if it is inserted in to a mobile, It will not search for it mobile tower, hence cannot have incoming or out going calls. Like wise an Athma which acts in the body and does not know that it is an Athma, It will NOT connect the Supreme Soul.


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Thursday, 7 July 2016

Raja Rishi vs Sadhu Sanyasis - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series #70

Raja Rishis Vs Sadhu Sanyasis

During Sathya Yuga and Thretha there were no Sadhu Sanyasis. It is purely Family Dharma. It is only during Dwabara Yug Sanyasis Marg was established by Adhi Sankarar.

Sadhus and Sanyasis found God(?) by their own efforts. When they went to deep meditation they went above the earth through their thoughts when they found Shantidham or the souls world or the Pramandam they were surprised and thought that the Shantidham is God. It is their understanding, If they have taken one step further they would have identifed Lord Shiva the father of all souls. But this is how drama is designed. They still believe Pramandam or the Souls world is God.

When ever some one asks about God they also say that NETHI NETHI, that means I do not know, I am still in search of him. Please come with us we will search together.

Sadhu Sanyasis also believe that ones the Athma lives the body it goes to shantidham and the souls minkle in the souls world. Like the water bubbles in a pond. Jyoti(Athma) minkles with the param Jothi(Supreme Soul the God). They think the God himself is the Souls world or the pramandam. That's why they say all the people in the earth Shiva Mayam, meaning all are part and parcel of Shiva.

The Sadhus also feel that the happiness in the world is very limited and compare it to that the saliva of the Crow, They say this because according to them in all the yugas Sathya yug, Thretha Yug, Dwabara Yuga and Kali yug men suffer. As per Hindu mythology, When Devathas lived in Sathya Yug there were demons as well. During Ramayana Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, During Dwabara Yug Krishna was troubled by his own uncle kamsa.

The Sadhu Sanyasis also told that the Good or Bad Karma that we do, do not attach in our Athma . They call this as Nir Leb. They say this because A rich person goes in an A/C Car so his body is body is enjoying the pleasure, A person who is suffering is suffering through his body through diseases. SO they felt good or bad are experienced by the body and it is not recorded in the Athma.

Raja Yogis are one who has completed Raja Yoga course and become Brahma Kumar and Brahma Kumaris. These are the people who have done 63 birth's Bhakthi. The Hindu holy text like Vysar's Bhagavath Gita, Mahabharatha, Ramayana, Upansihads & Puranas were helpful for us to do 63 birth's bhakthi.

Can Sadhu Sanyasis also come to Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug?

Answer is Yes/ No

If they take up Raja Yoga course and then do Manmanabhava, Yes they will come to Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug, Other wise No,


For example a kid that is born and dead in 10 minutes would not have any 5 vihars in it. But still the bad deeds that is done in it's previous birth are still there.

There are many sadhu Sanyasis who do not have this 5 Vices (lust, Anger, Pride, family Bondage and greed). There will be many islamic followers,people in Buddhism, Christianity, Sikhism , Jainism and even atheist can also be like this. but in there previous births they might have done sins. As every one has to act the parts Sadho, Rajo and thamo.(The good, the middle and the bad). So sins accumulated through the variou births can only be reduced by Manmanabhava ( Understanding that we are soul and remembering Lord Shiva will burn our sins across various births.


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Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Dharma Raja - தர்ம ராஜா (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series #69

Dharma Raja

In Hindhu Mythohlogy Yema Dharma is the incharge for one's death. He has an assistant Called Chitra Gupta who records our good or bad deeds. There are plenty of workers of Yema Dharma who go in buffalo's to fetch one's life.

But in reality we do not have any one called Chitra Gupta. Chitra means body Gupta means hidden, Athma is the one which is hidden in the body. The Sanskar in the Athma is what that records all the events. The Good deeds are stored as Puniya and bad deeds are stored as Pava.Like wise the Athma comes from the Souls world by itself in to this earth. When it's part is over in this body the Athma leaves the body automatically and gets in to another mothers womb in the next 13 days in case of natural death. This happens as per drama. So we do not have any one called Yama Dharma as 

When we do not have Yama Dharma and Chitra Gupta we obviuosly do not have his workers who come in buffalo's who take our life.

But Lord Shiva who is currently playing the role as father, teacher and Sath Guru will play the role of Dharma Raja in the judgement day. Now in Sangama Yug he will be a loving father , a concerned teacher. He will teach you what ever you want to know, Even if you perform sin through the 5 vices if you inform him he wil reduce our sins by 50%.

In general if some one does sin through 5 vices (lust,anger, pride, family bondage and greed) 10% sin will be recorded , whereas if some one learns Raja Yoga and then performs sin it will be 100% sin stored in our sanskar. But if we realise our mistake and tell the God the sins will be reduced by 50%. This is called pava mannippu or forgiving sins by God.

For better understanding let us see an example A lawyer and his son. When ever his son does small small mistakes he explains him kindly and ask him not to do it again. But one day when his son does a big crime and brought in his court , he will give the verdict as a Judge as per Indian Penal Code and not as a father.

Like wise our father , Lord Shiva who is ocean of Love , Ocean of Kindness will be a Dharma Raja on the day of Judgement Day. He will give us Postings and Number of births according to our Karma's Performed.

Only 9 lakh People who win over the vices will not be brought in for the judgment, they pass with out any sin in every kalpa.

We also should strive for that.
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Tuesday, 5 July 2016

God's Relation with Man- இறைவன் மனிதன் உறவு (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga ...

God's Relation with Man

When we were in search of the truth about God, When we were doing Bhakthi. The relationship we had with God is that we are Bhakthan ( Follower of God) and He is Bhagavan (The Lord Almighty)
but only when I learnt Raja Yoga I Understood that the actual relation between God and Man is that currently he is having three relation ship with us.

1. Father
2. Teacher
3. Sath Guru

Father :- He the Almighty, Lord Shiva is the father of all souls. He is our father, we 800 crore people are his sons so we among ourselves are brothers. but when we take birth in this world as men and women we have brother, sister relation ship.

Teacher :- So long we do not know why we are born in this earth?, where were we before this birth?, Where do we go when we die?. Why we are born to this parents? , why we get married to this particular person? , why have these children? and many questions like that.

It is then Lord Shiva comes in to Lekh Raj , a Diamond Merchant and teaches Raja Yoga. Through Raja Yoga we understood that we are souls and we hail from Shanti Dham the Souls world.God is Our Athmas father. He teaches that we all act in a 5000 year drama called kalpa. It has 4 yugas namely Sathya Yug, Thretha Yug, Dwabara Yug and Kali Yug.and he also teaches the Mantra Manmana Bhava ( Understanding that we are Athma and remembering God will burn our sins).
Just because he teaches us all the unknown he is called the Teacher.

SathGuru :- Sath means truth , So the True Guru is the God himself. We all come from shanti dham to act.A person taking Birth in Sathya Yug, continues to take birth in Thretha Yug, Dwabara Yug and Kali Yug and at the day of Judgement day he returns to Shanti Dham.

A person taking Birth in Thretha Yug, resides in Shanti Dham during Satha Yug continues to take birth in Dwabara Yug and Kali Yug and at the day of Judgement day he returns to Shanti Dham.

A person taking Birth in Dwabara Yug, resides in Shanti Dham during Satha Yug & Thretha Yug continues to take birth in Kali Yug and at the day of Judgement day he returns to Shanti Dham.

A person taking Birth in Kali Yug, resides in Shanti Dham during Satha Yug , Thretha Yug & Kali Yug continues to take birth till Judgement day he returns to Shanti Dham.

So no one can return to Shanti dham by himself/herself. It is only the Lord Shiva who can takes us back home.

That is why he is called Sath Guru.

In this way God is related to man now.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Dasavathaaram - தசாவதாரம் - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series #66

Dasavathaaram - தசாவதாரம்  - (Tamil Video) -  Raja Yoga Series #66

It is believed in Hindu Mythology Vishnu takes 10 Avatars. There is a slokan for it.

Malsya , Koorma Varahastcha,
Narashimascha Vamana
Ramo , Rama , Ramahascha
Krishna Kalki Janarthana.

This is not correct , Shri Krishna is the purest soul on earth he does not take birth as fish or tortoise as mentioned in Hindu Shasthra.

Where as Krishna the first Prince of Sathya Yug takes 8 births in Sathya Yug and it is himself who is born as Shri Rama in Thretha Yug. In Thretha Yug he takes 12 births. It is he who is born as Emperor Vikramaditya and constructs Somnath Temple at Gujarath, In Dwabara Yug he takes 21 births, and then in Kali Yug he takes 42 births. In his last birth he is born as Lekh Raj, a Diamond Merchant, It is in him Lord Shiva enter and teaches Raja Yoga. Then Lord gives a alokik birth which is an another birth. So in total

(Sathya Yug - 8 Births + Thretha Yug 12 Births + Dwabara Yug 21 Births + Kali Yug 42 Births + Sangama Yug 1 Birth) = 84 Births.

Like Shri Krishna 9 lakh people take 84 Births in Total.

There is also another  mis-conception in understanding the Drama.

During Sathya Yug and Thetha Yug lived happily. Only from Dwabara Yug people started thinking that they are body and started getting in to 5 Vices. People think it is then God sent Ibrahim to create Islam, even then men did not change so he sent Gauthama Buddha to create Buddhism even after that men did not change so God Sent Jesus Christ to sent to establish Christianity. But even then nothing changed so many ismes came after that as well like Taoism, Confusanism, Shikism, Jainism etc. Just when every thing didn't work God Lord Shiva himself came to change the world. This is just a perception and not a fact. it is there in the drama that these many religion have to happen.It is happening that's it.

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Friday, 1 July 2016

Winning Ways through Raja Yoga - இராஜ யோகம் மூலம் வெல்லும் வழிகள் - (Tamil) - Raja Yoga Series #65

Winning Ways through Raja Yoga -  இராஜ யோகம் மூலம் வெல்லும் வழிகள் - (Tamil) -  Raja Yoga Series #65

Winning Ways through Raja Yoga

From our Raja Yoga Series we understood that both Ramayana and Mahabharatha are both stories and it never happened.

But from both of this stories we learn quite a lot of things.One such thing is the bow and arrow used in the war field. What does that symbolises.

When I create good thought about a person and if he creates a positive thought about me . both are positive thoughts and it get neutralized.

When I create a bad thought about a person and if he creates a negative thought about me, both are negative thoughts and it get neutralized.

When I create a bad thought about a person and if he creates a positive thought about me , as mine is a bad thought it hurts me a lot.

So in Raja Yoga we teach to create good thoughts, We should not hurt any one by thoughts, words or action.

As it is said in Newton's 3rd law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if we do good we reap good. If we do bad we reap bad.

One more method to win through Raja Yoga

Imagine you have a interview. you do not know who conducts the interview but still you can create a screen in your mind and talk to the interviewer and tell him your strength and weakness. And also tell him if you are given a chance to work you will deliver the goods. In the actual interview it will be really smooth, the interviewer will be soft and approachable. This happens like magic.

For all this to happen kindly learn the Raja Yoga 7 days course for free in the nearest Brahma Kumaris Center. You can do wonders their after.

Kindly watch the video to see my personal experience.

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Thursday, 30 June 2016

Punishments - தண்டனைகள் -(Tamil Video) Raja Yoga Series #64

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In Garuda Purana we have heard that severe punishments like putting us in boiling oil, People made to be bitten poisonous insects and many more as punishments when we die if we have done sin in our various births.

I will make it very clear that NO one will be punished like what that is mentioned in Garuda Purana.

Well  this Drama is a 5000 years cycle called Kalpa, there are 9 lakh people who take 84 births the maximum, there are few crore people who take one birth also. We know that this drama is infinite. So how come some one get 84 births. Why did some one get 1 birth. Is his acting so poor he is denied more births. Where was he given more acting chances to prove his acting. Kindly understand this drama is designed and fixed it rolls on forever.

Then what is the punishments in the drama.

Strictly speaking there is no punishments, we are given the acting that we do that's it.

For an explanation sake we say
1. The Post or title reduces
2. The Number of Birth reduces

The Highest post in Sathya Yug is Lakshmi Narayana, The lowest being the person who does the last rites of a dead man.

The Birth can be between 1 and 84 that is all.

In Sangama Yug God teaches Raja Yoga. Who ever takes up this course are given 1 birth in the last birth of Thretha Yug. People with their own efforts win the vices , practice Godly knowledge do seva and attain more births.

If we say there are no punishments people will take laws in to their hand. That is why they go to jail in this worls when they commit sins.

In Hindu shastra we say Goddess Kali will hurt you if you do sins. That is why all Hindu Gods have weapons in their hands. People will fear to do mistakes.

Kindly listen to the video to understand more.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Who is a Brahmin? - பிராமணன் யார்? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga classes in Tamil Play List

Who is a Brahmin?

When ever we hear this we think we are referring to a caste name.

No. In Raja Yoga it means different.

Men and Women who takes up 7 days Raja Yoga Course through Brahma Kumaris are called Brahma Kumars and Brahma Kumaris respectively. God gives the mantra Manmanabhava (Understanding that we are soul and remembering God) to burn our sins that are accumulated through our acting through various births.

A Brahma Kumar or Brahma Kumari one who decides to win over is his 5 Vices (Lust, Anger, Pride, Family Bondage & Greed)  is called a BRAHMIN.

An Athma when it acts in Sathya Yug it is called Surya Vamshi

An Athma when it acts in Thretha Yug it is called Chandra Vamshi or a Shathriyan.

An Athma when it acts in Dwabara Yug it is called Vyshyan

An Athma when it acts in Kali Yug it is called Suthran

When the same Athma takes up 7 days course it is called Brahmin.

When the same Athma becomes Karma Theeth it is called Faristha or Angel.

So it is the various Act the Athma perform in the drama cycle. but this is mis understood and castiesm came in to existence.

Hope you understood what Brahmin means

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

How Birth Happens in Sathya Yug & Thretha Yug - சத்ய, த்ரேதா யுகத்தில் பிறப்பு எப்படி ஏற்படுகிறது?

Raja Yoga classes in Tamil Play List

How Birth Happens in Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug - சத்ய யுகத்திலும் , த்ரேதா யுகத்திலும் பிறப்பு எப்படி ஏற்படுகிறது?-  (Tamil Video) -   Raja Yoga Series

Our Drama is designed for 5000 years and is called Kalpa. In the beginning of Sathya Yug there will be 9 Lakh people at the end of the Kali yug the whole human kind will be on earth (Say 800 crore) people.

When God descends on Earth in 1936 he teaches Raja Yoga in which he tells every one to win over 5 vices namely (lust, anger, pride,Family bonding and greed).

The very first is lust or sex , if we stop sex how come the future generation will come? . This is the basic question that arises in every one. We will have to understand that God gives this knowledge at the end of Kaliyug. Only 33 crore people will take up this Knowledge. People who learn Raja Yoga they come to the system either married and have children already like me. Or they learn the marriage and practice celibacy (Brahmachariya). Few get married even after getting this knowledge. It is recorded in the drama it happens. So the rest of the population comes from people who do not follow this.

Why God says to avoid sex and that too it is listed first in 5 Vihars. It is because in Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug people did NOT have children through lust or sex. It is only through their yoga power they had children. When the Athma has 12 to 16 kalas. It has the strength to give birth to child through yogic powers. In Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug once a couple gets married after one or 2 year they feel like having a kid, then due to their Athma Power , the lady get pregnant and  gets the child. The beauty is that a child that is born does not cry as it does now.

People reading this post or listening to the video might feel disturbed and might not accept this theory. But this how the drama is designed. God teaches Raja Yoga so that we get power to the soul.

If you have heard about Mahabharatha Stories. Karna was born to Sun, Arjuna from Indran. Even though it is a story there are references to tell children are born through powers. Again I will make it clear Mahabharatha is a story no is born to sun and other Pancha Boothas.

Do you know why lust and anger is in the first 2 numbers in the 5 vices God listed. Lust and Anger has cascading effects it affects not only the person who does it but also the other person concerned, Greed, Family bonding & Pride do not have Cascading effect.

Hope you understood how children are born in Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Why Peacock is India's National Bird - மயில் நமது தேசிய பறவை ஏன்?

Raja Yoga classes in Tamil Play List

Why Peacock is India's National Bird - மயில் நமது தேசிய பறவை ஏன்? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Peacock is our National Bird, But why?

In Australia kangaroo's are found in large numbers so it's National animal is Kangaroo. In that case in India it is crow or sparrow which is in large number. But still we have Peacock as our National Bird why?

Before going to Peacock let us understand our Birth. We humans act in this 5000 years drama we are devathas in Sathya Yug and thretha yug. It means we have Godly Qualities in our self.

In Dwabara Yug as our kala decreases we worship ourself. meaning we worship 33 crore devathas as God.

In Kali Yug we become sutras, We do not any qualities in ourself.

In Sangamayug as we learn Raja Yoga from the Lord Shiva Himself we come Brahmin. Brahmin is one who fights with his own Vihars , bad qualities using the mantra Manmanabhava (Understanding ourselves as Athma and remembering the Paramathma the supreme soul).

Who ever attains Karma theeth they become Faristha or Angel.

So what I am trying to say is that Man takes different births, act as devatha and also sutra and vice versa.

Even the Lion and  Tiger in Sathya Yug is a herbivorous animal and an carnivorous animal as now.

If there is any species which is pure the whole 5000 years it is the Peacock. Peacock is always pure. The purity we are talking about is about its Athma and not the body.

Do you know how reproduction in Peacock happens. When the Peacock dances with its wings open the Peahen gets attracted and comes near the peacock. Small tiny droplets starts pouring from the eyes of Peacock , which the Peahen pricks or drinks, Their by its gets in to the family way and bears it is kid.

Just because the Peacock is pure through out , and India is the only country which has 5000 year drama. It is considered the National Bird of India.

We also know that Shri Krishna has Peacock feathers in his Crown. This symbolises that Shri Krishna is the first purest soul on Earth. But the reality is that Shri Krishna the first prince of Sathya Yug do not have Peacock feathers in his crown, It is a made up story.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

7X7 Births - ஏழு ஏழு பிறவிகள் - (Tamil Video) Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List in Tamil Link

7X7 Births - ஏழு ஏழு பிறவிகள் - (Tamil Video)   Raja Yoga Series

Generally when we talk to people who amaze wealth they say the earn wealth for the next 7 X 7 Births ( This is a general saying in Tamil Nadu, not sure if it is said else where)

But what does that really mean

If some one takes up Raja Yoga and follows sincerely. He is assured 7X3 births which is 21 births. That is 8 birth in Sathya Yug and 12 births in Thretha Yug and 1 birth in Sangama yug. This last birth needs an explanation. See I am 44 years old in this birth, I am into Raja Yoga for more than 6 1/2 years now. So I am given a alokik birth by lord shiva that my Suthra birth in kali yug is over and a new birth as Brahmin is got in Sangamayug. The Brahmin term does not mean the caste, it means who is willing to fight his own 5 Vihars namely lust,anger,pride, family bonding and greed.

People who do not take up Raja yoga can get a maximum of 7X9 births that is 63 births. In Dwabara Yug 21 births and in Kali yug 42 births so put together 63 births.

The most brilliant and lucky people are 9 lakh people who take 7X12 births that is 84 births. Sathya Yug 8, Thretha Yug 12, Dwaara Yug 21 , Kali Yug 42 and Sangama Yug 1 , so put together 84 births.

Actually people who get 21 births in Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug also need to act Dwabara Yug and Kali Yug as well. No return to the Shanti Dham in between.

To Understand better a person born in sathya yug will come in Sathya Yug, Thretha Yug, Dwabara Yug and Kali yug in all Kalpa.

A person born in Thretha yug will come in Thretha Yug, Dwabara Yug and Kaliyug in all Kalpa.

A person born in Dwabara yug will come in Dwabara Yug and Kaliyug in all Kalpa.

A person born in Kali yug will come only in Kaliyug in all Kalpa.

A person can take 49 births also but there is no significance for 7X7 births as usually people talk about.

There are people who take 1 birth in drama.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Who Said Shrimath Bhagavath Gita - ஸ்ரீமத் பகவத் கீதை கூறியது யார்? (Tam...

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link

Who Said Shrimath Bhagavath Gita - ஸ்ரீமத் பகவத் கீதை கூறியது யார்? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

As per Bhakthi and Mahabharatha Shri math Bhagavath Gita was told by Shri Krishna to Arjuna

Hold on

Considering this as truth let us proceed , I shall reveal what Raja Yoga has to say about this later.

As per Mahabharatha Story Maha bharatha war took place at the end of Dwabara Yuaga. The war was fought between Pandavas under Shri Krishna and Kauravas under Bhisma, Dhrona, Karnan. The was fought for 18 days and the war took place at Guru Kshethra.

Arjuna in the field when he saw that he need to fight his own grand fathers, Guru and cousins he was not mentally prepared for a war, it was then Shri Krishna told Arjuna Shri Math Bhagavath Gita.

The following question arises for an ordinary listener.

1. How come Shri Krishna teach Bhagavath Gita in a war field. How come kauravas allow him to take classes in the war field.

2. How many days did Shri Krishna to finish the chapter

3. There are 18 chapters and 20 slokas in each of them, so to explain and also to clarify the doubts of Arjuna how many days it required.

4. Why Shri Krishna teaches only to Arjuna , when this is a Global Knowledge.

5. Inspite of giving Arjuna the whole teachings of Bhagavath Gita Why Arjuna still not prepared for a war? He started fighting only after he saw the Viswaroopam of Vishnu.

6. How come who were there in the battle field did not get enlightenment as Arjuna did.

7. Does God preach to fight and kill his own brothers and sisters

8. What happens after the war , the kauravas where killed later the 5 pandavas went on pada yatra, one after the other died only Yudhistra was alive along with a dog. Suddenly a Chariot came and took Yudishtra to heaven. So know one is left in the world. that means human existence on earth has vanished.

9. If every one is dead , how come we are here in this earth.

10 . After Dwabara Yug Kali Yug comes , how come a bad yug comes when God himself teaches Bhagavath Gita.

So when upon reading the above lines we have many questions seeing for answers.

Now lets see what Raja Yoga has to say.

This world is 5000 years old drama and is called a kalpa. A kalpa is divided in to 2 halves. 2500 years happiness and 2500 years sorrow. First 2500 years is called heaven on Earth and next 2500 years is hell on Earth. The kalpa is divided into 4 yugas names sathyug, thretha yug, Dwabara Yug and kali yug.

The kalpa starts with satha yug with 9 lakh people in it. in sathya yug we take 8 births, in Thretha yug we take 12 births and in Dwabara Yug we take 21 births and in kali yug we take 42 births so at the end of the kali yug say in 1936 Lord Shiva comes in to the body of Lekha Raj a diamond merchant and tells the whole story of the world. We need 33 crore people in sathya yug and thretha yug put together. So those people get ready through Raja Yoga taught by God himself.

So God teaches us to fight maya or 5 vihars we have in us through the mantra manmanabhava (remembering God by understanding ourself as athma). When we 33 crore people are ready we will have a thought we need a better place to live only then World War 3 erupts. It is between Russia and America.

So in the Mahabharatha Story it is said the war was between Pandavas and Kauravas actual world war 3 is called Maha Bharatha it is fought by Kauravas (America and its allies) and Yadhavas ( Russia and its allies).

So by the world war III 99.99% of the world population will die and the only 10 - 20 lakh people will be left over

Friday, 24 June 2016

Good Thoughts Vs Bad Thoughts - நல்ல மற்றும் தீய எண்ணங்கள் (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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Good Thoughts Vs Bad Thoughts - நல்ல மற்றும் தீய எண்ணங்கள் (Tamil Video) -  Raja Yoga Series

Which thought is Powerful the Good one or the bad ones.

Definitely it is the good ones.

In Tamil there is a saying that it will rain in a place if there is atleast one good person. That is the power of being good.

Like wise there is another saying that the Tharmam (good deeds) you did will protect your head.

We shall see a example.

Let us imagine I create a good thought about a person and that person also creates good thought about me. Both are positive thoughts and it gets nullified.

Let us imagine another scenario where  I create a bad thought about a person and that person also creates bad thought about me. Both are negative thoughts and it gets nullified.

Let us imagine I create a bad thought about a person and that person  creates a good thought about me. One is a positive thought and the other is a negative thought. So my negative thoughts get reflected and attacks me. I will have more sorrows because of this thought. So this explains the power of good thought.

Like wise today that is 2016 , Russia has about 8000 odd Atom Bombs, America has about 7000+ Atom Bombs, Major countries in Europe have more than 500 atom bombs. China has 500 + Atom Bombs, India and Pakistan also has 100+ Atom Bombs in their possession. With this they can destroy the world. but that doesn't happen, Why bad thoughts does not have power. But when 33 crore people who are destined to go to Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug  are ready. They create a powerful thought that let the suffering be over. We need a better place to live. It is then 3 World war erupts. that is the power of Good Thought.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Who is Mamma? - மம்மா என்பவர் யார்? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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Who is Mamma? - மம்மா என்பவர் யார்? (Tamil Video) -    Raja Yoga Series

Who is Mamma?

The one whom you see in the Picture is Mamma. Who is She? and what is her signifcance?.

As we have told in previous videos we all know Radha when married to Shri Krishna is called Lakshmi.

As Narayana takes 84 births and becomes Lekh Raj, a Diamond Merchant in his last Birth. Lakshmi also takes 84 births and becomes Radha in her last Birth.

It is she whom we call Saraswathi or Goddess of Eductaion.

Radha used to sing OM Chanting in a sweet way , So she was fondly called Om Radhe. Radha was born in 1919 and joined in the early days of Brahma Kumaris around 1936 itself.

She was a very good singer and used to perform dance well.

She was a spinster , did not want to marry, she was very fond of this Raja Yoga Education.Her love to all made people call her Mamma. Mamma means mother.

In Bhakthi we say Brahma and Saraswathi were married couples but in reality when God came inside Brahma in 1936 , Lekha Raj was 60 years old where as Radhe was only 17 or 18. So they had Grand father , Child relation.

Lekh Raj was a married person and her wife's name was Yesodha.

As we all know that it is Brahma who becomes Vishnu and vice versa in every kalpa. Radhe the sarasathi becomes Lakshmi in Sathya yug and vice versa.

The next point we need to understand in the drama is that Lekha Raj a Married man becomes Narayana, Saraswathia a bacheolar becomes Lakshmi. So it doesn't matter if you are married or bachelor to become the prince or Princess in Sathya yug.

Like wise Lekh Raj spend 30 to 40 crore of his earnings for this yagna , where as Saraswathi was from a poor family and could not afford big money. So again it doesnt matter whether you are rich or poor to connect lord and become Prince or Princess in Sathya yug , Thretha Yug.

Do you know why we call Lakshmi Narayana and not Narayana Lakshmi?

We think it is because ladies first, No, it is because it was Lakshmi who passed first and not Narayana. Radhe became karma theeth on 24th June 1965 Where as Lekh Raj became karma theeth on 18th Jan 1969.

This is the introduction Mamma or Saraswathi.

Kindly watch the video to understand better.

3 Worlds - மூன்று உலகங்கள் (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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3 Worlds - மூன்று உலகங்கள்  (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

In Generally understand the 3 worlds as the world we live in, if we die depending upon the karma we do we go to Heaven if our deeds are good, we go to hell if our deeds are wrong.

But this is a mis conception. This world drama is a 5000 year drama which we call it as Kalpa. The kalpa is equally divided as 2500 years happiness and 2500 years sorrow.  The duration when we were happy it is called heaven and in the duration when we are in sorrow we call it as hell.

So if heaven and hell are in earth what are the three worlds.

The Three worlds are

1.The Earth :- The place where we are born and die, where we act this drama

2. Soul's world :- We are all souls we come from a world called shanti dham, nirvanan dham or brahma lok or the souls world. It is located far away ( say crores and crores of kms from earth) it is saffron illuminated world.

3. Sootchama Vadana:- This is a temporary world created by God for just 100 years during Sangama Yug.  This is  resting place for the faristha or angels to reside when one  person attains karma theeth.

Kindly watch all the episodes to understand the concept of sangama yug and karma theeth.

Kindly see the video to understand better

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Shiva Rathiri Celebrations Explanation - சிவ ராத்திரி வழிப்பாடு விளக்கங்கள் - (Tamil Video)

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link

Shiva Rathiri Celebrations Explanation - சிவ ராத்திரி வழிப்பாடு விளக்கங்கள் - (Tamil Video) -   Raja Yoga Series

In Bhakthi Shiva Rathiri is a Hindu Festival where men and women keep themselves awake during the bnight performing bhajan and Pooja.

Rathiri means night, why it is called rathiri and why not day.

We do not call Shiva Rathiri as Shiva Jeyanthi or Shiva Navami because Lord Shiva does not come in Birth Death Cycle.

Lord Shiva comes at the end of Kali Yug. in 1936 got gets in the body of Lekh Raj, a Diamond Merchant and teaches Raja Yoga, He teaches who we are , who he is , the yesterday today and tomorrow. Thus we know what is the meaning of Shiva Rathiri.

Here rathiri (night) does not mean the morning and night of a day. It means comes in Kali yug the iron age, It means the innocence or the ignorance of the truth. God comes to uplift us from the trouble of Ravana or Maya.

Like every kalpa God comes in the end of the yug, so in last Kalpa also he came so as a matter or respect and love we celebrate Shiva Rathiri from Dwabara Yug since Raja Vikramaditya built Somnath temple at Gujarat, India.

This is the story of Shiva Rathiri Celebrations.

Kindly Watch the Video to understand better.

Who is Shankar? - சங்கரன் யார்? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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Who is Shankar? - சங்கரன் யார்? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series.

In Bhakthi. We say Shankar who has Snake in his neck, the third eye in his forehead, Ganga in his head and Thirusoolam in his hand as Lord Shiva Himself.

It would be dis heartening to learn this.

The God the Almighty is none other than the Lord Shiva but he is a point of light, invisible to naked eye. and he lives in Shanti Dham.

See it is the problem of the man. Man cannot fly like birds, cannot climb the walls like a spider. So he creates cartoon characters like Super man, Spider Man, Bat Man, He Man and so on, and full his desires through the characters.

Likewise men also gave God the form of a human being. There is a saying that an Army is afraid of snake, so man gave snake to the Lord. God has a third eye through which He can destroy the world.
and a Thirusoola in his hand.

So it is the imagination of man that Shankar is Shiva.

If Shankar is Shiva then basically 2 questions arises.
1. in almost 10 out of 10 temples Shiva Linga is worshipped hardly Shankar is the deity.
2. If Shankar is Shiva why he is in the meditation pose, whom is he meditating.
3. Why is there is Shiva Linga before all Shankar photos.

Then who is Shankar.

We all know that Raja Yoga is taught by Lord Himself. He teaches Manmanabhava a powerful mantra through which we can burn our sins accumulated over various births. So who ever attains karma theeth stage they become Shankar and reside in Shootchama Vadana

Why Shankar is called Lord of Vinash or Destruction.

Actually Vinash is not done by Shankar. The job of Shankar is to touch the 33 crore souls and bring them under one umbrella and practice Raja Yoga. So when 33 crore people are ready they will have one single powerful thought that they need sathy yug. there by world war 3 erupts and vinash happens. So Vinash happens due to world war 3 and it is in drama it happens thats it.

Kindly Check the Video to understand Better

Shiva Jeyanthi Celebrations - சிவ ஜெயந்தி கொண்டாட்டங்கள் (Tamil Video) Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link

The whole world is celebrating Shiva Rathiri, No body celebrates Shiva Jeyanthi as Lord Shiva does not come in Birth Death Cycle.

But, Brahma Kumaris is the only Organization that celebrates Shiva Jeyanthi.

It is because they are aware that in every Kalpa Lord Shiva descends on the earth through Lekh Raj body and then teaches Raja Yoga.

So God came in 1936 , now we are in 2016. So it is 80 years now. So Brahma Kumaris celebrates 80th Shiva Jeyanthi to commemorate his arrival for the 80th year in this kalpa.

Kindly watch the video to understand better.

Generator Operator Destructor - படைத்தல், காத்தல், அழித்தல் - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link

Lord Shiva does Generate Operate and Destruct through Brahma , Vishnu Shankar.

Brahma :- Lekh Raj, a Diamond Merchant, It is in his body God descends and teaches Raja Yoga. 33 Crore people required for Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug are created by Him through Lekh Raj. God names him Brahma. So creation or Generation happens throuh Brahma

Vishnu:- The combined form of Lakshmi Narayana is called Vishnu, we will have 8 Lakshmi Narayana's in Sathya Yug. SO Operation or palanai(Tamil word) is done by Shiva through Vishnu

Shankar:- In this Sangma Yug who ever attains Karma theeth they become faristha or Angels. They are called Shankar and they reside in Sootchma Vadana. Their role is to the sould who are part of the 33 crore bring them under one roof inspire them to practice Raja Yoga. So Once 33 Crore is ready they all will have a powerful thought that they don't need this kali yug any more. Then the third world war will erupt between Russia and America thus 99.99% people will die, LOrd Shiva descends on the earth and takes all the Athmas back home this is called Judgment. This is why we say Vinash or Destruction through Shankar.

So It is Brahma who becomes Vishnu, Who ever becomes Karma Theeth they become SHankar. So Brahma is a human being , Vishnu is a Devatha (Man with Godly Qualities)and Shankar is a Faritha or Angel.

So it is Lord Shiva who does the Generation, Operation and Destruction.

The interesting fact is that the order Generation, Operation and Destruction is wrong , it is Generation,Destruction and Operation.

Because the creation of Sanadhana Dharma happens first, The vinash or the destruction happens second after that Sathya yug comes so operation happens.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Head of 3 Worlds - மூன்று உலகின் நாயகர்கள் யார்? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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Head of 3 Worlds - மூன்று உலகின் நாயகர்கள் யார்? (Tamil Video) -  Raja Yoga Series

First Let us know what are the worlds

1. The world we live in.
2. Sutchama Ulagam ( A world that is created by the God just for 100 years for the souls to reside once they reach karma theeth stage. Kindly View the Raja Yoga series in order to understand better)
3. The Shanti Dham or Brahma Log or Nirvana Dham or the Souls World

Now who is the Head of each world

1. Shanti Dham - Lord Shiva the Almighy, and we are also the owners of the house when we reside their

2. Sutchama Ulagam - It is Avayktha Brahma who is currenty residing their as faristha or Angel.

3. World :- During Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug it is Lakshmi Narayana and Sita Ram respectively. and in Dwabhara & Kali Yug it is Ravana or Maya or the 5 Vihar in us.

Kindly watch the video to understand better.

Do Men take birth as Different Species- மனிதன் வெவ்வேறு ஜீவராசியாக பிறவி எடுகின்றானா? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link

Do Men take birth as Different Species- மனிதன் வெவ்வேறு ஜீவராசியாக பிறவி எடுகின்றானா?  (Tamil Video) -  Raja Yoga Series

Only in Vitlachariya's film we see that saints and gurus give sabha due to their anger, immediately the victims become a dog or donkey at once. This happpens only through Computer Graphics and never in real life.

Even Darwin Theory says men came from monkeys. Have you ever heard through news paper or TV that in any part of this Globe this happens. NO, It is just a theory and does not have any truth attached to it.

Even Manickavasagar a grear saint said "Pullagi, Poondagi, Puzhuvagi , maramagi ....." it means men take different Births. He is a great saint but this fact is wrong.

Then what is the truth all species in this universe is born as the same species only. cat as a cat a dog as a dog and man as a man.

The only variation that can happen is that Man can been born as a woman in another birth. The maximum birth in a kalpa is only 84. ( Sathya yug -8, Thretha Yug 12, Dwabara Yug 21, Kali Yug 42 & Sangamayug 1).

So the conclusion is that men do not take birth as different species.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Why God Meets only Raja Yogis? - கடவுள் இராஜ யோகிகளை மட்டும் சந்திப்பது ஏன்? - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

First of all let us understand who I refer to Raja Yogis.

I refer to 9 lakh people who come in 84 births, ie from the day one of the kalpa.

To Understand We must also know how God acts as well in the Drama

In Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug God is in Vana Prastha, that means he is in rest, it is because people were in joy during Sathya yuga and Thretha Yug , so they didn't worship God.

During Dwabara Yuga once the King Vikramaditya constructed Somnath Temple in Gujarat, Bhakthi started poeple started worshipping Lord Shiva. Even then God did not descend to the Earth. He was giving Satchathkar(God's presence or feeling through dream) to his children.

Only during the end of Kali Yug God comes in to the body of Lekh Raj a Diamond Merchant and teaches this Raja Yoga.

Only 33 Crore people take up this knowledge and practise it , People who attain 16 kalas come from day one in Sathya Yug.

Muslims stay in shanthidham for 2500 years and acts 2500 years in the earth
Buddhist stay in shanthidham for 2750 years and acts 2250 years in the earth
Christian stay in shanthidham for 3000 years and acts 2000 years in the earth
Jains and Sikhs stay in shanthidham for 4500 years and acts 500 years in the earth
For a person who one Birth (say 100 yrs of life) stay in shanthidham for 4900 years and acts 100 years in the earth

84 Lakh people stay very little time in Shanthi dham and spend the rest in this Earth

This is how Drama is designed.

So the only way out is that God has to come down and meet this special Children where as others spend a quality time the Lord at ShanthiDham

This Why we say God Meets only Raja Yogis.

(Note :- Even though 33 crore people come in Sathya yug and Thretha Yug put together, only 9 lakhs people take 84 births, so people taking 83 births will reside in shantidham for 150 years and then act 4850 years in the Earth and so on)

Friday, 17 June 2016

Shri Rama Navami Celebrations Explanation- (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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Shri Rama Navami Celebrations Explanation - ஸ்ரீ இராம நவமி  கொண்டாட்டங்கள் விளக்கம் - (Tamil Video)  Raja Yoga Series

Kindly watch the whole episode to understand better.

At the end of Sangamuga , when 33 Crore people are ready with their kalas all will have a unique thought they need a new world to live, they cannot go with the Kali Yug any more. Then the 3rd World War happens (This is called Maha Bharatha) there by 99.99% of the world population in the world will die , then the God ( Lord Shiva) the Almighty comes to Earth and takes all the Athmas back home.

Only 10 to 20 lakh people will be left in the Earth that to in Delhi,India  then Shree Krishna will be born to the richest Person on Earth in Delhi. This is when Krishna is born. He grew up and gets married to Radha and becomes Lakshmi Narayana. (Krishna is called Narayana and Radha will be called Lakshmi)

In Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug there is no Bhakthi , so no one celebrated his Birthday during this 2500 years.

In Dwabara Yug after few years King Vikramaditya Raja Constructs Somnath Temple at Gujarat and that's how we started Bhakthi that too by worshiping Lord Shiva.

After few years we started worshiping Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar as God. Later we started to Worship Pancha Bhoodhas also, Slowly we started to worship Shri Krishna the first prince of Sathya Yug by celebrating Shri Krishna Jeyanthi and also Shri Rama the last emperor of Thretha Yuga.

Then on we celebrated Shri Rama Navami. So in Dwabara Yuga and then in Kali Yug we celebrate Shri Rama Navami

So in all we are celebrating Shri Rama Navami close to 2300 years to 2400 years.

He is not God as we think , He is a Devatha ( A man with Godly Qualities)

Generally Rama Navami is to celebrate the 12 Ramas who ruled in Thretha Yuga. In 1250 years there are 12 births so 100 years Average life.

So the Rama's born in this Kalpa is celebrated in Dwabara Yuga and Kali Yuga.

Shri Krishna is born as Rama in Thretha Yuga. It is not the same krishna who becomes 8 Sathya Narayana in Sathya Yug, Nor it is not the first Rama who becomes 12 times Sita Rama. This we have to understand. We also strive to become Narayana and Rama so it is 8 different Narayana and 12 different Rama's.

Watch the Video narration to understand better.

Shri Krishna Jeyanthi Celebrations Explanation - ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ண ஜெயந்தி கொண்டாட்டங்கள் விளக்கம் (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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Shri Krishna Jeyanthi Celebrations Explanation - ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ண ஜெயந்தி கொண்டாட்டங்கள் விளக்கம் (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series.

Kindly watch the whole episode to understand better.

At the end of Sangamuga , when 33 Crore people are ready with their kalas all will have a unique thought they need a new world to live, they cannot go with the Kali Yug any more. Then the 3rd World War happens (This is called Maha Bharatha) there by 99.99% of the world population in the world will die , then the God ( Lord Shiva) the Almighty comes to Earth and takes all the Athmas back home.

Only 10 to 20 lakh people will be left in the Earth that to in Delhi,India  then Shree Krishna will be born to the richest Person on Earth in Delhi. This is when Krishna is born. He grew up and gets married to Radha and becomes Lakshmi Narayana. (Krishna is called Narayana and Radha will be called Lakshmi)

In Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug there is no Bhakthi , so no one celebrated his Birthday during this 2500 years.

In Dwabara Yug after few years King Vikramaditya Raja Constructs Somnath Temple at Gujarat and that's how we started Bhakthi that too by worshiping Lord Shiva.

After few years we started worshiping Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar as God. Later we started to Worship Pancha Bhoodhas also, Slowly we started to worship Shri Krishna the first prince of Sathya Yug by celebrating Shri Krishna Jeyanthi.

Then on we celebrated Shri Krishna Jeyanthi. So in Dwabara Yuga and then in Kali Yug we celebrate Shri Krishna Jeyanthi.

So in all we are celebrating Shri Krishna Jeyanthi close to 2300 years to 2400 years.

Shree Krishna is the first purest soul on Earth.

He is the most handsome person born in a kalpa

He is not God as we think , He is a Devatha ( A man with Godly Qualities)

Watch the Video narration to understand better.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Science Behind Winning Bad Habits through Raja Yoga - தீய பழக்கங்களை இராஜ யோகத்தின் மூலம் எப்படி வெல்வது? - ஒரு அறிவியல் பார்வை (Tamil Video) Raja Yoga Series

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Science Behind Winning Bad Habits through Raja Yoga - தீய பழக்கங்களை இராஜ யோகத்தின் மூலம் எப்படி வெல்வது? - ஒரு அறிவியல் பார்வை  (Tamil Video)   Raja Yoga Series

We at Raja Yoga help people to win over their bad habits through Raja Yoga Easily.

How is this Possible?

What is the science behind it?

Kindly watch the video to understand

Is God Every Where? - கடவுள் சர்வவியாபியா? (Tamil Video) Raja Yoga Series

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Is God Every Where?  (Omni Present) - கடவுள் சர்வவியாபியா?   (Tamil Video)    Raja Yoga Series

In Hindu Dharma People say God is Every where?

Is it true?

Kindly watch the videos to understand better.

Did Mahabharatha Happen? - மஹாபாரதம் நடந்ததா? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Did Mahabharatha Happen? -  மஹாபாரதம் நடந்ததா?

The Answer is Yes & No

Yes because the 3 World war which is to happen between Russia and America is called Mahabharatha , This event happens every kalpa.

No because as said in Mahabharatha story by Vyasar fight did not happen between Pandavas and Kauravas.

Kindly see the video to know better.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Who is Kumbha Karna? - கும்ப கர்ணன் யார்? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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Who is Kumbha Karna?

As per Ramayana he is the younger Brother Ravana

But in real context it represents to the people who do not care about the arrival of God and listen to his sayings.

They are still sleeping thinking that Kali Yug still has 40,000 years.

Kindly listen to this video to know more better.

Who is Ravana- இராவணன் யார்? (Tamil Video) Raja Yoga Series

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Who is Ravana- இராவணன் யார்?

Ravana is other wise called maya or the 5 Vihars we have namely (lust, anger, pride, affection and greed).

It is not the Ravana mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana

Kindly watch the video to understand better.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Did Ramayana Happen - ராமாயணம் நடந்ததா? - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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Did Ramayana Happen? - ராமாயணம் நடந்ததா?

The answer is Yes and NO

Yes - Because in Thretha Yuga there were 12 kings name Sita Rama 1, Sita Rama 2 and so on..

No - Because Sita was not kidnapped by Ravana as said in Valmiki Ramayana

Kindly watch this video for better understanding

What is Atheendriya Sugam? -அதீந்திரிய சுகம் என்றால் என்ன? (Tamil Video) Raja Yoga Series

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What is Atheendriya Sugam? - அதீந்திரிய சுகம் என்றால் என்ன?

It is excitement or the abundance happiness the soul enjoys when it connects to its father.

This feeling can only be felt and cannot be expressed in words.

Kindly watch this video to know more

Toppers of Raja Yoga (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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Toppers in Raja Yoga - ராஜ யோகத்தில் முதன்மையாக தேர்ச்சி பெறுபவர்கள் யார்?

There are 33 crore people who take up Raja Yoga Education. Out of which only 9 lakh people attain 16 kalas. Out of which only 8 of them pass with absoulte honours they are called 8 Mani Mala (8 garlands).

They become 1st Lakshmi Narayana, 2nd Lakshmi Narayana, 3rd Lakshmi Narayana and 4th Lakshmi Narayana respectively.

so 4 * 2 = 8

Kindly watch the video to understand better.

Who is Vishnu - விஷ்ணு யார்? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link

Vishnu is the combined form of Lakshmi & Narayanan or Krishna & Radha.

He is the Maharaja in Sathya Yug

See the Video to know more.

Judgement Day - தீர்ப்பு நாள் (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link

What is Judgement Day.

It is the day when God comes on Earth and takes home 99.99% of the world population back to Shanti Dham our home.

Kindly watch the video to understand more

Who is Brahma? - பிரம்மா என்பவர் யார்? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link

God Descends in the Earth at the end of Kaliyug , and starts Sangama Yug which is 100 years. He teaches his teaching through a Diamond Merchant by Name Lekh Raj who was a Diamod Merchant.

Why Lekh Raj? Because he is none other than Shri Krishna in his first birth at Sathya Yug after taking 8 births in sathya yug and 12 births in Thretha Yug and 21 births in Dwabara Yug and 42 Births in Kali Yug at his age 60 , God comes in to Lekh Raj and sits in his fore head ( As Lord Shiva is a point of light) and teaches this knowledge called Raja Yoga Gyan.

God names Lekh Raj as Brahma.

To know more about this kindly listen to the Video.

Note:- There is a sound disturbance while recording, My Sincere apologies. will take due precautions while recording other videos.

Sanadhana Dharma - சனாதன தர்மம் என்றால் என்ன? (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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Sanadhana Dharma is founded by Lord Shiva in every Kalpa at the end of Kaliyug ie in Sangama Yug.

Actually Sanadhana Dharma is practised by 33 crore Deities (People who have Godly qualities) who come in Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug.

During Sathya Yug & Thretha Yug Deities lived happily so there was no temple or Holy book for them.

What God teaches in Sangama Yug is called Shri Math

Kindly Watch the video for more info.

Note :- There is some sound disturbances in the Recording. My Sincere apologies.

What God Can Do & We Cannot Do? - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

Raja Yoga Series Play List Link

What God Can Do & We Cannot Do?
1.God does not come in birth death cycle
2.He only has the power of burning oue sins (Manmana Bhava)
3. God alone can give Shatchathkar
4. He is the Creator, Producer , Director of this Drama
5. He can get in to any body and leave at his will

Watch this video to understand the above very clearly

Gnanam and Yogam - ஞானம் மற்றும் யோகம் (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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What is Raja Yoga Gnanam & Yogam?
What is the difference between School Education & Raja Yoga Education
What if one Practices and Gnanam and not yogam and vice versa?
Examples from Tamil cinema songs to explain Gnanam and Yogam

Punnaiyam Vs Pavam - புண்ணியம் மற்றும் பாவம் (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series

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What is Punniyam or Good Deeds?
What is Pavam or Bad Deeds?
Is their any connection between Punniyam and Pavam?
How to increase Punniyam Account?
How to Reduce Pavam Account?
To Know all these kindly watch this Video

What is Thathuvamasi? - தத்துவமசி என்றால் என்ன? (Tamil Video) Raja Yoga Series

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What is Thathumasi?
What we understand and what is the real truth.
Watch the video to know more