Thursday 7 July 2016

Raja Rishi vs Sadhu Sanyasis - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series #70

Raja Rishis Vs Sadhu Sanyasis

During Sathya Yuga and Thretha there were no Sadhu Sanyasis. It is purely Family Dharma. It is only during Dwabara Yug Sanyasis Marg was established by Adhi Sankarar.

Sadhus and Sanyasis found God(?) by their own efforts. When they went to deep meditation they went above the earth through their thoughts when they found Shantidham or the souls world or the Pramandam they were surprised and thought that the Shantidham is God. It is their understanding, If they have taken one step further they would have identifed Lord Shiva the father of all souls. But this is how drama is designed. They still believe Pramandam or the Souls world is God.

When ever some one asks about God they also say that NETHI NETHI, that means I do not know, I am still in search of him. Please come with us we will search together.

Sadhu Sanyasis also believe that ones the Athma lives the body it goes to shantidham and the souls minkle in the souls world. Like the water bubbles in a pond. Jyoti(Athma) minkles with the param Jothi(Supreme Soul the God). They think the God himself is the Souls world or the pramandam. That's why they say all the people in the earth Shiva Mayam, meaning all are part and parcel of Shiva.

The Sadhus also feel that the happiness in the world is very limited and compare it to that the saliva of the Crow, They say this because according to them in all the yugas Sathya yug, Thretha Yug, Dwabara Yuga and Kali yug men suffer. As per Hindu mythology, When Devathas lived in Sathya Yug there were demons as well. During Ramayana Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, During Dwabara Yug Krishna was troubled by his own uncle kamsa.

The Sadhu Sanyasis also told that the Good or Bad Karma that we do, do not attach in our Athma . They call this as Nir Leb. They say this because A rich person goes in an A/C Car so his body is body is enjoying the pleasure, A person who is suffering is suffering through his body through diseases. SO they felt good or bad are experienced by the body and it is not recorded in the Athma.

Raja Yogis are one who has completed Raja Yoga course and become Brahma Kumar and Brahma Kumaris. These are the people who have done 63 birth's Bhakthi. The Hindu holy text like Vysar's Bhagavath Gita, Mahabharatha, Ramayana, Upansihads & Puranas were helpful for us to do 63 birth's bhakthi.

Can Sadhu Sanyasis also come to Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug?

Answer is Yes/ No

If they take up Raja Yoga course and then do Manmanabhava, Yes they will come to Sathya Yug and Thretha Yug, Other wise No,


For example a kid that is born and dead in 10 minutes would not have any 5 vihars in it. But still the bad deeds that is done in it's previous birth are still there.

There are many sadhu Sanyasis who do not have this 5 Vices (lust, Anger, Pride, family Bondage and greed). There will be many islamic followers,people in Buddhism, Christianity, Sikhism , Jainism and even atheist can also be like this. but in there previous births they might have done sins. As every one has to act the parts Sadho, Rajo and thamo.(The good, the middle and the bad). So sins accumulated through the variou births can only be reduced by Manmanabhava ( Understanding that we are soul and remembering Lord Shiva will burn our sins across various births.


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