Sunday 3 July 2016

Dasavathaaram - தசாவதாரம் - (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series #66

Dasavathaaram - தசாவதாரம்  - (Tamil Video) -  Raja Yoga Series #66

It is believed in Hindu Mythology Vishnu takes 10 Avatars. There is a slokan for it.

Malsya , Koorma Varahastcha,
Narashimascha Vamana
Ramo , Rama , Ramahascha
Krishna Kalki Janarthana.

This is not correct , Shri Krishna is the purest soul on earth he does not take birth as fish or tortoise as mentioned in Hindu Shasthra.

Where as Krishna the first Prince of Sathya Yug takes 8 births in Sathya Yug and it is himself who is born as Shri Rama in Thretha Yug. In Thretha Yug he takes 12 births. It is he who is born as Emperor Vikramaditya and constructs Somnath Temple at Gujarath, In Dwabara Yug he takes 21 births, and then in Kali Yug he takes 42 births. In his last birth he is born as Lekh Raj, a Diamond Merchant, It is in him Lord Shiva enter and teaches Raja Yoga. Then Lord gives a alokik birth which is an another birth. So in total

(Sathya Yug - 8 Births + Thretha Yug 12 Births + Dwabara Yug 21 Births + Kali Yug 42 Births + Sangama Yug 1 Birth) = 84 Births.

Like Shri Krishna 9 lakh people take 84 Births in Total.

There is also another  mis-conception in understanding the Drama.

During Sathya Yug and Thetha Yug lived happily. Only from Dwabara Yug people started thinking that they are body and started getting in to 5 Vices. People think it is then God sent Ibrahim to create Islam, even then men did not change so he sent Gauthama Buddha to create Buddhism even after that men did not change so God Sent Jesus Christ to sent to establish Christianity. But even then nothing changed so many ismes came after that as well like Taoism, Confusanism, Shikism, Jainism etc. Just when every thing didn't work God Lord Shiva himself came to change the world. This is just a perception and not a fact. it is there in the drama that these many religion have to happen.It is happening that's it.

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