Wednesday 6 July 2016

Dharma Raja - தர்ம ராஜா (Tamil Video) - Raja Yoga Series #69

Dharma Raja

In Hindhu Mythohlogy Yema Dharma is the incharge for one's death. He has an assistant Called Chitra Gupta who records our good or bad deeds. There are plenty of workers of Yema Dharma who go in buffalo's to fetch one's life.

But in reality we do not have any one called Chitra Gupta. Chitra means body Gupta means hidden, Athma is the one which is hidden in the body. The Sanskar in the Athma is what that records all the events. The Good deeds are stored as Puniya and bad deeds are stored as Pava.Like wise the Athma comes from the Souls world by itself in to this earth. When it's part is over in this body the Athma leaves the body automatically and gets in to another mothers womb in the next 13 days in case of natural death. This happens as per drama. So we do not have any one called Yama Dharma as 

When we do not have Yama Dharma and Chitra Gupta we obviuosly do not have his workers who come in buffalo's who take our life.

But Lord Shiva who is currently playing the role as father, teacher and Sath Guru will play the role of Dharma Raja in the judgement day. Now in Sangama Yug he will be a loving father , a concerned teacher. He will teach you what ever you want to know, Even if you perform sin through the 5 vices if you inform him he wil reduce our sins by 50%.

In general if some one does sin through 5 vices (lust,anger, pride, family bondage and greed) 10% sin will be recorded , whereas if some one learns Raja Yoga and then performs sin it will be 100% sin stored in our sanskar. But if we realise our mistake and tell the God the sins will be reduced by 50%. This is called pava mannippu or forgiving sins by God.

For better understanding let us see an example A lawyer and his son. When ever his son does small small mistakes he explains him kindly and ask him not to do it again. But one day when his son does a big crime and brought in his court , he will give the verdict as a Judge as per Indian Penal Code and not as a father.

Like wise our father , Lord Shiva who is ocean of Love , Ocean of Kindness will be a Dharma Raja on the day of Judgement Day. He will give us Postings and Number of births according to our Karma's Performed.

Only 9 lakh People who win over the vices will not be brought in for the judgment, they pass with out any sin in every kalpa.

We also should strive for that.
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